What are Complete Dentures?
Complete Dentures are made either as replacement for old and worn dentures or as an Immediate Denture or Post-Extraction Dentures. As the name implies, a Complete Denture is for replacement of a complete arch, either or both the upper and lower. Some people retain all or some of the teeth in one arch so will require only a single complete denture. If you are completely edentulous (you have no remaining teeth) then complete upper and lower dentures are required. As denture professionals, we provide you with the service which suits you best.

At DentuCare Denture Professionals we use the highest quality “Portrait IPN®” or Modialteeth and for the base we use “Meliodent®” or “PalaExpress®” acrylic from Heraus Kulzer. Your DP will assist you to select teeth of a mould and shade that are in harmony with your appearance. You will be shown an exact wax replica of your new denture and the new denture will not be completed until you are happy with the appearance. Generally you will need five or more appointments, depending upon the try in of the replica. Considering your availability for appointments, your new denture can be delivered within two weeks from when we commence. Of course if you have lost your old denture and need an urgent replacement, we will work with you to expedite our service.
If you have private health insurance, we can lodge the claim for you electronically so that you will not be out of pocket for the rebate. Post fitting adjustments that may be required are done at no cost to you for 90 days after the dentures are fitted. We always encourage you to wait no longer than a few days if you experience any discomfort.
Do you have a history of breaking your full upper denture? Then your options include inserting a Chrome Cobalt Cast Metal palate into your new upper denture or having it made with Lucitone® FRS™ base material. Ask your DP for more information.
Dental Implants
Replacing Missing TeethDentures
Returning Your SmileDenture Relines
Perfecting Your SmileAT DENTUCARE
We Care About You and Your Smile
Phone now for a CONSULTATION (by appointment) and for friendly and professional advice on 07 3807 3600 or 07 3868 3361.