About Denture Repairs?
It is important to understand that most commercial glues are not effective or safe to use to repair dentures. The way we repair dentures is to remove a small section of the denture base material and reapply a new section. The acrylic that your denture is made from bonds readily to itself, but commercially available glues are not effective or safe to use in your mouth.
Acrylic dentures can be readily repaired in most cases. It is always simpler and quicker if any broken pieces or loose teeth are retained and brought in at the time of repair. At DentuCare Denture Professionals we understand that you do not want to be without your denture any longer than necessary so we provide a prompt repair service. Where possible, we will have your denture back to you within 1 hour.
Some denture base materials are not repairable or may take several days because of the required repair technique. Consult us for advice.

Fast Denture Repairs
At DentuCare Denture Professionals we understand that you do not want to be without your denture any longer than necessary so we provide a prompt repair service.
Where possible, we will have your denture back to you within 1 hour.
Dental Implants
Replacing Missing TeethDentures
Returning Your SmileDenture Relines
Perfecting Your SmileAT DENTUCARE
We Care About You and Your Smile
Phone now for a CONSULTATION (by appointment) and for friendly and professional advice on 07 3807 3600 or 07 3868 3361.